E learning

Products: 112 of 21
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    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
  • EBOOK- Untamed by time

    A true life story written by a 14 year old. The purpose of this book is to spread the word of faith to my fellow teenagers. I want to highlight that trials are for everybody but giving up is not an option. I have been through fire, only to come up as a refined gold. As a matter of fact, each and everybody holds a new beginning, so I  urge my fellow teenagers to focus because today is the gift, tomorrow is the mystery. You will never know what lies in your eyes the next day. Someone would ask what a 14 year old knows about life. Its everything to read about. Some lessons come as scars in life and no matter the age, what matters is how you face them.

    Not rated yet
    • $4.55
  • Embrace Your Greatness

    Embrace Your Greatness is a personal & career development book that challenges individuals to create their own economies. It shares concepts on personal growth and mindset shift to move away from complaining, blaming to taking 100% control in life. Life is what you make it to be and you have the power to change your circumstances. It helps individuals on how they can create value and stay relevant in the changing economy today. 

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    No reviews.
    • $9.10
  • Employee Magazine

    Employee Magazine is a leading career development magazine with the mission to empower, educate and motivate employees and business leaders to create vibrant workplaces. Our focus is to be the leading career development magazine in Africa, building workplaces and shaping the new workforce lifestyle for the knowledge-based and the gig economy.

    Score: 5.00 (votes: 2)
    No reviews.
    • $2.73
  • HARD COPY-Untamed by time

    A true life story written by a 14 year old. The purpose of this book is to spread the word of faith to my fellow teenagers. I want to highlight that trials are for everybody but giving up is not an option. I have been through fire, only to come up as a refined gold. As a matter of fact, each and everybody holds a new beginning, so I  urge my fellow teenagers to focus because today is the gift, tomorrow is the mystery. You will never know what lies in your eyes the next day. Someone would ask what a 14 year old knows about life. Its everything to read about. Some lessons come as scars in life and no matter the age, what matters is how you face them.

    Not rated yet
    • $7.28
  • JC A Science Free Trial

    An  accelerated interactive revision platform that helps students to prepare for JC Exams.

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    • $0.00
  • JC Agriculture

    An Accelerated interactive revision platform to help students prepare for JC Exams

    Not rated yet
    • $5.46
  • JC Maths

    An Accelerated interactive revision platform to help students prepare for JC Exams

    Not rated yet
    • $7.28
  • JC Moral Education

    An Accelerated interactive revision platform to help students prepare for JC Exams

    Not rated yet
    • $5.46
  • JC Science

    An Accelerated interactive revision platform that helps students to prepare for JC Exams

    Not rated yet
    • $7.28
  • JC Social Studies

    An Accelerated interactive revision platform to help students prepare for JC Exams

    Not rated yet
    • $5.46
  • PSLE A Science Free Trial

    An interactive revision platform that helps students to prepare for PSLE Exams. Scroll down and click on the link at the bottom of the screen L2pGK.

    Not rated yet
    • $0.00
Products: 112 of 21
