Sanitizers Liquid (70% alcohol)
SG Hand Santizer is a Alcohol-based hand rubs used for rapid and effectively inactivating a wide array of potentially harmful microorganisms on hands. The alcohol contained within hand sanitizers, when rubbed on the surface of skin will effective in killing 99.9% of germs on the skin. It contain a concentration of 70% alcohol .
SG Hand Santizer is Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) Certified products.
Chemical Family: Hand care
Chemical Name: Hand Sanitizer
1) Chlorhexidine gluconate
2) Isopropyl Alcohol 70%
CAS # %
Shipping info
They deliver through Botswana.
Payment methods
Return Policy
We accept returns
Hazard Identification
Main Hazard: May cause irritation to the eye’s and skin. May be harmful if absorbed through the skin.
Flammability: Non - flammable
Chemical Hazard: Not Applicable
Biological Hazard: Not Applicable
Reproductive Hazard: Not Applicable
Health Effects (eye): Irritates the eye
(skin): Irritating to skin with prolonged contact.
(ingestion): Causes burns to throat and mouth if swallowed.
(Inhalation): Not Applicable
Carcinogen city: Not Applicable
Mutagenicity: Not Applicable
Neurotoxicity: Not Applicable
First Aid Measures
Product in eye: Wash with plenty of water, seek immediate medical attention.
Product on skin: Remove contaminated clothing, wash with plenty of water.
Product ingested: Drink half a litre of water followed by half a litre of milk, seek immediate medical attention.
Product inhaled: Unlikely to occur. However, remove patient to fresh air.
Fire Fighting Measures
Extinguishing media: Not Applicable
Special hazards: No specific recommendations.
Protective clothing: The usual precautions for handling chemicals should be observed.
Accidental Release Measures
Small Spills: Dilute with water and wash into drainage system.
Large Spills: Absorb with sand or earth and transferred to suitable container for disposal.
Environmental precautions: Not Applicable
Personal precautions: Wash contaminated clothing and skin after handling.
Handling And Storage
Suitable material: Plastic 500ml, 1lt, 5lt, 25lt or 200lt container.
Handling/storage precautions: Do not use on surfaces that are not water tolerant. Wear suitable protective clothing.
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Occupational exposure limits: Not Applicable
Engineering Controls: Not Applicable
Personal Protection: Splash goggles, overall, boots and gloves.
Other protection: Not Applicable
Physical And Chemical Properties
Appearance: Gel/ Liquid
Colour: Clear/Blue
pH: 7
Boiling Point: No data available
Melting Point: Not Applicable
Flash Point 200 degrees celsius
Critical Temperature: No Available Data
Vapour Pressure: No Available Data
Vapour Density: No Available Data
Volatility: No Available Data
Odour Threshold: No Available Data
Evaporation Rate: No Available Data
Viscosity: No Available Data
Water/Oil Dist. Coeff: No Available Data
Ionicity (in water): No Available Data
Dispersion Properties: No Available Data
Solubility: Easily soluble in water
Stability And Reactivity
Conditions to avoid: Storage in extreme temperatures.
Incompatible material: None
Products: None
11. Toxicological Information
Route of Entry: Absorbed through skin, eye contact, inhalation and ingestion.
Acute toxicity; Ingestion causes burns of mouth and throat, difficulty in swallowing, stomach pains and vomiting.
Toxicity to Animals: No Available Data
Chronic Effects to Humans: No Available Data
Carcinogonicity: No Available Data
Mutagenicity: No Available Data
Reproductive Hazards: No Available Data
Ecological Information
Ecotoxicity: No Available Data
BOD5 and COD: No Available Data
Toxicity of the Products
Of Bio-degradation: The products of degradation are less toxic than the product itself.
Disposal Consideration
Waste Information: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with local environmental control regulations.
Recycling: No Available Data
Waste Stream: No Available Data
Transport Information
UN. NO: 1791
ICAO/ IATA: Not Regulated
AIR/ ROAD / SEA Hazardous and Corrosive.
Class 8, Group lll
Transport as per requirements of SABS
022 9 and SABS 0233.
Regulatory Information
Risk Phrases:
R 36/ 38 Irritating to eyes and skin
Safety Phrases:
S 37/ 39 Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection
Domesstic zones(Botswana)
Zone 1
Francistown, Gabane,Gaborone,Good Hope,Jwaneng,Kanye,Letlhakeng,Lobatse,Mahalapye,Mmadinare,Mochudi,Molepolole,Moshupa,Odi,Otse, Palapye,Pilane,Pitsane,Ramotswa,Sefhare,Selibe Phikwe,Serowe,Serule,ThamagaTonota
Zone 2
Bobonong,Borolong,Kalakamati,Kalamare,Kasane,Lerala,Letlhakane,Mabeleapodi,Machaneng,Maitengwe,Majwaneng,Makaleng, Masunga,Mathangwane,Maun,Mmashoro,Moeng,Moiyabana,Mopipi,Nata,Nkange,Orapa,PajeRakops,Ramokgwebana,Sebina,Sefophe, Sherwood,Shoshong,Tsetsebye,Tshesebe,Tutume,Xhumo
Zone 3
Bokspits,Charleshill,Etsha,Ghanzi,Gumare,Gweta,Hukuntsi,Kang,Kavimba,Kazungula,Khakhea,Mabutsane,Martins Drift,Middlepits,Nokaneng,Pandamatenge,Sehitwa,Sekoma,Sepopa,Seronga,Shakawe,Sowa Town,Tsabong,Tshane, Werda,Zwenshambe